This event was organised by the Association and the St Quintin and Woodlands Neighbourhood Forum, the body which this Association established in 2013 to prepare a neighbourhood plan for our part of North Kensington.
The City Living Local Life programme, run by Kensington and Chelsea Council, gave us a small grant to mount this event. This funding also covered costs of a previous leaflet which we distributed to all households in the area, to widen local awareness of the work of the neighbourhood forum.
The Greening your Home event took place at West London Bowling Club on 14th September 2023.
Seventy local residents came along on a beautiful sunny evening to hear short talks from The Lady Lenzie on growing heritage vegetables, and Aimee Spanswick on sustainable gardening and permaculture.
Robert Pereno from LancWest Grows Best started the evening with his presentation (more a performance) on the Club’s terrace.
Preeti Gulati Tyagi, from RBKC’s Planning Department explained the Council’s new policies to support sustainable retrofitting of homes. Her slides and those from Aimee are now available to see on the the StQW website at this link. Local architect and StQW committee member Jenny Harborne gave more specific advice for those who had booked a slot with her.
These are some photos from the event. West London Bowling Club (at 112a Highlever Road) made an ideal venue for the event. Apart from lawn bowls, croquet and pretanque the Club is used for a range of gatherings (film nights in the winter months) and StQW/SHRA is planning to hold further events that combine the chance to meet neighbours with some talks from local experts on varied subjects. Having the Club’s pay bar open for the evening adds to the charms of the venue.