Catch up on news for our neighbourhood

If you are a new arrival in the streets of the St Quintin Estate and its surrounding area, we hope you find this website useful.  The St Helens Residents Association welcomes new members to its current membership of 360 and you can join by emailing Membership is free and you will receive monthly newsletters.

The Association’s membership is shared with the St Quintin and Woodlands Neighbourhood Forum, a body set up in 2013 to prepare a neighbourhood plan for this area.  Information on the neighbourhood plan is at

Our neighbourhood is subject to many pressures for development, in an around the area.  As at April 2015, the live issues are

  • proposals for a housing development on one of the three remaining St Quintin backlands at Nursery Lane.   See at for more details,
  • the Imperial College development at Imperial West (in Wood Lane).  This development is under construction.  It involves a number of very tall buildings, which will be very visible on the western skyline from our neighbourhood.  Our campaign website at has all the details and the long history of our campaign against this scale and height of this development.
  • Plans of the newly established Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, which include proposals for 24,000 new homes at Old Oak (the area immediately north of Wormwood Scrubs).  The Friends of Wormwood Scrubs have a website at
  • The Neighbourhood Forum’s plans for Latimer Road, to widen the mix of activities in this street, attract creative small businesses, and to allow additional housing above commercial space, as set out in the Draft StQW Neighbourhood Plan (see at this link).

The residents association keeps an eye on all planning applications in the area, and works hard to ensure that all the good things about this neighbourhood are retained and that new development is of the kind that meets the needs of people in this area.

We are also involved in building a stronger sense of community and helping people to get to know their neighbours.  We have public meetings, at St Helens Church, and a noticeboard in Kelfield Gardens (on the side wall of the bakers, at St Helens Gardens).

We work to get vacant shop units filled, and have helped to make the West London Bowling Club in Highlever Road a new focus for social events and community gardening as well as lawn bowling.(see at

Please email us at if would like any more information on the above, or to join our mailing list.

Henry Peterson, Chair, St Helens Residents Association