Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea councils have now published the proposals for a new Neighbourhood Forum, to develop a Neighbourhood Plan for the St Quintins and Woodlands area.
This signals the start of a formal six week public consultation period, which will run until July 20th. The details appear here on the RBKC website, and here on the LBHF website.
We hope that many local residents and businesses will respond to the consultation, with a majority in favour. This is an opportunity to strengthen the influence of local people in planning decisions in the area, ranging from conservation policies to major developments and future infrastructure projects such as Crossrail and the proposed HS2 railway line.
The next open meeting of the Association, on Saturday June 30th at 4pm in St Helens Church Hall, will discuss initial ideas for neighbourhood planning and for establishing the new Forum on a formal basis, subject to approval of the application by both councils.