RBKC ideas for Kensington Memorial Park

The Council has published a consultation survey on potential improvements to Memorial Park.  Some but not all residents in surrounding streets received a leaflet giving details of how to find the survey. Below is the link to the online version of the survey on the RBKC website https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/survey/kmpimprovements2016/kmp_improvements_concept_ideas_phase_one.htm

The survey was discussed at the open meeting of SHRA/StQW Neighbourhood Forum on June 9th 2016, at St Helens Church hall.  The 60 people present felt that the survey was weighted towards seeking support for one main option – installing an all-weather pitch with floodlighting in place of the existing grass pitch in the west of the park.

Residents value the park as open green space which is peaceful and low-key.  All weather pitches come with tall fencing that is visually intrusive, as are floodlights.  It would mean that the existing grassed area could not be used for other activities, as at present.

The location of a floodlit pitch would be right outside the new development at Argyll Place and would be intrusive for residents there and along Pangbourne Avenue (see below).

Memorial Park

The back story is that funding of £150,000 is available for improvements to the park. This was part of the Section 106 contribution negotiated between the developer of Argyll Place and the Council, at the time when the development was granted planning permission.  This legal agreement included a specified list of improvements to the park, the first of which was for the grass pitch with no mention of an all-weather pitch of floodlighting.  Westway Sports Centre already provides these facilities.

The vote at the June 9th  meeting was unanimous that these funds should be used to bring the existing grass pitch back to a good state, clearing out the underground drainage system that is in place but which needs some work to ensure the grass is not waterlogged in winter months.  The Kensington Dragons youth teams use this pitch at weekend, leaving it available for other park users in the week.  This is seen as a good arrangement which should continue.

A letter has gone from St Helens Residents Association to the Council, setting out these views.  We hope that the Council will listen,  The letter can be seen at this link SHRA_to_RBKC on Memorial Park.V2final





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