Over 100 local residents attended the Association’s open meeting on February 20th, to discuss campaign plans to halt or change the planning application for Phase 2 of Imperial College’s development in Wood Lane W12.
We heard from a RB Kensington & Chelsea planner and from Julie Bundy (involved in the recent Big Table campaign, which has persuaded Crossrail to drop plans to demolish this well-known furniture shop).
William Cooper (from Woodlands Area Residents) and SHRA member Jenny Harborne showed a set of visualisations of the impact of the Imperial West proposals. These come from the computer model developed by Imperial’s architects, to which the Association has been granted access following our concerns last year about the accuracy of visualisations used for the Phase 1 planning application.
See the page on our campaign site at what the development will look like for visual images from this computer model.
Overshadowing of neighbouring streets and houses will now be investigated further, thanks to financial contributions from a number of local residents.
The Evening Standard came along to the meeting, and their subsequent feature on the development proposals can be seen at http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-24037813-this-poor-mans-shard-will-cast-a-blight-on-our-homes.do We will be following up with a wider media campaign.