Crowthorne Road development

There has been a big local reaction to this proposed 8 storey development behind Lichfield Studios.  Many objection letters and emails have already been submitted to Kensington Town Hall.

It has also emerged that the level of consultation with Oxford Gardens school, which the development will overshadow, has been pretty minimal.   The Head, Governors and parents of pupils at the school seem to have been told little about the plans.

As a result, the Council has agreed to extend the public consultation period, and the new deadline is October 27th.  We are distributing this Crowthorne Road development leaflet to houses in Oxford Gardens and Wallingford Avenue, to make sure everyone gets to hear about these proposals.  Click on the link above to see a list of reasons for objecting to the current plans and (if you have not already done so) please email or write to the council with your views.



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